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Mar 14, 2024
Music Artist Legal Checklist for Recording

Recording Checklist

Music Artist Legal Checklist for Recording

The Music Artist Legal Checklist for Recording guides artists through essential legal steps for recording, emphasizing copyright clearances, agreements with labels and collaborators, and rights management. It advises on trademarking, digital protection, insurance, and compliance with laws, while highlighting the importance of legal advice. This streamlined approach ensures artists' creative and legal interests are protected, facilitating a focus on their music.

Copyright Clearance

  • Ensure all covers, samples, and interpolations have been cleared with the original copyright holders.
  • Obtain mechanical licenses for any cover songs you plan to record.

Recording Agreements

  • Review and understand any agreements with record labels or production companies.
  • Ensure that the terms of revenue sharing, rights to the recordings, and obligations of each party are clearly defined.

Work for Hire Agreements

  • If you're hiring session musicians, producers, or engineers, have them sign a work-for-hire agreement to clarify that you own the rights to the recordings they contribute to.

Performance Rights

  • Register with a performance rights organization (PRO) to collect royalties for public performances of your music.
  • Understand how royalties will be collected for performances and broadcasts of your recordings.

Sync Licenses

  • If you plan to synchronize your music with visual media (e.g., videos, films, commercials), ensure you have the appropriate sync licenses.

Distribution Agreements

  • Review any agreements with distribution platforms or services.
  • Understand the terms regarding distribution rights, territories, exclusivity, and royalties.

Trademark Protection

  • Consider trademarking your artist name, band name, or logo to protect your brand identity.

Digital Rights Management

  • Understand how your music will be protected against unauthorized use or distribution online.
  • Consider registering your music with content ID systems to monitor and monetize unauthorized uploads.

Band Agreements

  • If you're part of a band, have a clear agreement among members regarding contributions, recording ownership, and income division.

Privacy and Data Protection

  • If you collect data from fans or use personal data in your marketing efforts, ensure compliance with privacy laws.

Contract Review and Legal Advice

  • Consider consulting with an entertainment lawyer to review all contracts and agreements.
  • Ensure you understand all legal obligations and rights before signing any documents.

The Russell-Firm

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